• October 22, 2024 6:14 am

Ultimate Meaning

Watch Solid Proofs of Your Non-Ending Destiny



EMAIL: help@ultimatemeaning.com



If you are not sure of what you believe or what the truth is but are genuinely hungry to know, it would be good to pray the following prayer sincerely from your heart. “God I am not even sure if you exist, but if You are real please reveal yourself to me. God if you are real,  I do not know Who You are, but I really want to know the one true God Who is the ultimate and only source of genuine love, truth, and lasting fulfillment. Please reveal to me oh God, if You are the governing life source of all existence. Please reveal to me, if you govern in this time and space universe by the full expression of Yourself into this realm in Jesus Christ. Please reveal to me, if this is true, that as such, You came into this world in the center of history, and died on the cross for my sins, and then physically rose in victory over death, so that I can receive cleansing and forgiveness from all sin.”

For those of you who have truly come to realize and desire to enter into the reality of what is communicated on this website we strongly encourage you to do the following: Be totally truthful in your heart, and choose to believe from your heart in the one true God Who is totally trustworthy because He is totally pure in ultimate love that will not condone what is contrary to His perfect love. Choose to believe from your heart that this one true God has provided only one just way for you to be forgiven and cleansed of all your sins and be reconciled to Him. This is only through sending the one Full Expression of Himself in His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for your sins, which has been fully validated by His resurrection from death. Call out with all truthfulness and depth of heart for God to forgive and cleanse you of all sin by the sacrificed shed blood of God in Jesus Christ for your sins. Ask God through Jesus Christ to forgive you for living for yourself instead of for Him. Ask Jesus Christ to be the Savior, and as such, the central motivation and treasure of your life forever more.


Here is a prayer that you can pray if you do not find it easy to pray in your own words. “I choose to believe in the one true God who is totally trustworthy because He is totally pure in Ultimate Love that will not condone what is contrary to His love. I believe Oh God that you sent the one and only Full Expression of Yourself in Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins and the sins of the world. I believe your power to forgive all my sins has been fully validated by the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I cry out to You oh God with all my heart, that You would forgive and cleanse me of all my sin and sins by the sacrificed poured out blood of Yourself in Jesus Christ on the cross for my sins. Forgive me for living for myself instead of the one true God for whom I was created. I now ask You, Jesus Christ, to be my Savior and the central motivation and treasure of my life. I ask You to give me the Holy Spirit of God in order to have the power to live for You as the central treasure and supreme motivation behind all I do. I ask you to lead me to those who have likewise sincerely received You and are growing into your corporate bride of love that You will return and be spiritually married to.”

Comments or questions are welcome.

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