Every small purpose is for a greater purpose
onto the ultimate purpose of all things as seen
reflected in all creation as male or female. This points
to the one true God Who is ultimate in love coming into
marriage with His corporate bride of people called into unity
from all backgrounds through receiving God’s love in Christ.
A husband must have loved his wife enough to leave his parents and security of singleness to be joined and live with his wife the rest of his life. Even so the Creator humbled himself to enter into time and space in His very expression (Son) to suffer more than us mere creatures in crucifixion for our sins. This is so we could receive His forgiveness and love and become part of His bride or family that has been saved from all backgrounds to live forever with God as our husband in heaven. We see throughout history from the very beginning a people of God where the leaders are supernaturally raised up by God. Over time, however, because of the self worshipping nature of man, leadership evolves into a hierarchy that is not in tune with God as the head leading His corporate body of people. We see this same corruption also in nations and civilizations. In the history of the church before Christ, and the church after Christ, there is a repeating pattern of a remnant of God’s people experiencing spiritual birth pangs. This is onto a coming out because of the pressure of a corrupted hierarchical mother structure that has evolved into those seeking their own kingdom. These remnants throughout history can be likened to the kernel hidden within the shuck of a plant. The shuck represents the corrupt organizations of man that have confined them throughout history. As history comes to consummation, they will mature and increase until the structure of man’s ways (the shuck) is forced to completely fall away, and the glory of God is revealed in His people like the corn fully glowing in the sun. Many are still confined and hidden within the self oriented religious hierarchies of this present world order. However, there are gatherings that express varying degrees up to even a very full measure of God’s Spirit of love governing in expression through man. Take for example the underground persecuted church in places like China that has the most rapid growth in the history of Christianity and may number up to 200 million. Essentially, they are any gathering of people who have received the revelation in their heart that Jesus Christ is the only true God and Savior of their life; and who thereby know Him as the supreme love and source of their entire life. Thus, they daily experience the indwelling of God’s Spirit in them, by which they practically express God’s love by living in harmony with God, His written Word, and each other – regardless of background, status, natural weakness or strength. In the last days God will bring the fullness of His presence into assemblies that are not compromised with all the temporal lures of the world and who strongly encourage and allow each person to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to edify the corporate body in each meeting.
© Copyright by Owner of This Site on August 4, 2010
© Copyright by Owner of This Site For All Articles On This Site Authored by the Owner on March 15, 2011