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One God In Tri-Governance

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One God in Tri-Governance

For God to be the governing source of all existence
requires three personages of Himself in tri-governance
beyond time and space, in time and space and in omnipresence.

God cannot be accurately comprehended in description or even be in actuality as one personage when there is the requirement of God to govern beyond time and space at the same instance as there is His requirement to govern in the time and space realms. You cannot be beyond time and space as one personage of God and be absent within creation with no visible governing in personage as God. This is especially true because government involves billions upon billions of intelligent free willed moral beings created by God that live within time and space creation. This obviously must involve communication and relationship by the manifestation of God to them. If you have no second personage of God within creation then you limited the full effectiveness of government and communication with free willed beings within this realm. The one true God is know as God the Father in function as the source that is beyond time and space Who sees the end from the beginning, He is known as God the Son ( Son means expression) the full expression of God the Father into time and space. He is known as God the Holy Spirit which fills all things and is able to be active everywhere at the same time in God as the Father and as the Son. Some may argue that God is so great that He would never condescend to be within creation. When our finite mind perceives God as too great we have defined how great God is by our limited finite mind. Rather we should acknowledge God as so great and beyond our understanding that He is not limited by anything in what He can do. God the Holy Spirit is that aspect of the government of God in personage and office which can and does fill and permeate all things that exist with His creative workings everywhere at the same time. This third personage of the One True God known as the Holy Spirit is in actuality the governing of God as the Father and the Son in omnipresence ( being everywhere at the same time ) as distinct from an objective personage of God that can be focused upon because God is in a specific place that is visible in presence and personage.


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