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God’s Justice in Inequity

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  • God’s Justice in Inequity


There is no darkness in God.
He does not send people to hell
simply because they did not hear of Christ.

Many of the religions that have never heard of Christ have songs and traditions passed down through the centuries of how they once worshipped the one true God and fell away from him. The book, “Eternity In Their Hearts’ by Don Richardson goes into detail on this ( See details and pictures of this amazing true story here ). You can watch for yourself youtube videos on the internet of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and other religious backgrounds who never even knew who Jesus Christ was or in some cases had not even heard of Him, and yet had Christ appear to them and lead them to repentance and forgiveness of sins through Him. The reason why God will appear in time in space in the person of Christ to these people is because they had a heart that was hungry and open to the truth instead of holding onto the emptiness of self deluding beliefs ( watch many videos of such conversions here ). God through His foreknowledge has set or placed specific appointed times and boundaries of various degrees of confinement or pressure on various peoples, nations and individuals. This is in order to corner them to the greatest possibility of seeking and finding the one true God out of their own free will ( See Acts 17:26-27 ). There is enough evidence through observing the natural creation and the way things are in the world to come believe in the truth. If people receive the measure of truth they have God will give them more truth to bring them to have the revelation of the truth in Jesus Christ. People will be judged according to the choices they made to not believe in the truth or believe in the truth ( watch YouTube videos on this also read Romans 10:18; Colossians 1:23 and Romans 1:20,21 ) All these contradictory beliefs of a plethora of religions act as some kind of filtering system to filter out those open to the truth beyond themselves from those who choose to selfishly delude themselves into false beliefs that they believe are true. These false belief systems just like the intestines in our body act as a filtering system to catch the self deceived and spew them out into the garbage dump of the universe. This is because they have believed in what crystallized them into a contagious hellish destructive state of being. Those that do not buy into self worshipping delusional beliefs pass through the filter of these many false beliefs to become a lasting part of the corporate body in heaven. The atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was foretold in detail hundreds and thousands of years before the fulfillment. Before His coming from the time of Adam there was still the same message. The message is that there is one God and that He has provided a way of forgiveness for sin and sins. They were told to sacrifice a pure innocent lamb for sin even though they knew that only God could do the actual forgiving. Jesus Christ is called the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Click here to see for yourself.

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